Morning of Herceptin....
A relaxing and pampered start to my day, breakfast in bed, cards of good wishes signed off with lots of love and heartfelt hugs from my loved ones before they head off to school and work on the morning of my first Herceptin treatment....huh...not even.
More like up at sparrows fart to squeeze 8 hours of work into 4 from home after a couple of hours of sleep, in between sorting out the demands of selfish teens before shoving them out the door to face their world, fixing my own brekkie and trying to steer my head into the right space and out of the anxiety, stress and sad space before I drive myself to Mercy Hospital because my beloved couldn't be spared from work not to mention he had forgotten!
Anyway, truth be really known as great as it would have been to have had my beloved remember and fuss over me I know that he would have stepped out of his comfort zone so why worry about his feelings as well as my own to complicate my already fragile raw emotions that I have leading up to any blood test or hospital appointment or on this particular morning my first Herceptin treatment?
Reflection of Herceptin...
After several hours and 6 miserable attempts of finding a good vein, finally $8722.60 worth of gold (Herceptin) was administered. While I have no complaints about the public sector during chemotherapy there is a distinct feeling of absolute attention in the private sector.
On the 3rd attempt at placing the canular in my vein it eventually slipped out causing an air bubble to form at the back of hand which hurt like mad. The Herceptin had nowhere to go.
Anywho my oncologist nurse was immediately at my side to sort it out before my hand exploded - or at least felt like it!
Tips after Herceptin...
For women about to begin Herceptin and wonder about the side effects here is my lot to compare with:
- blood noses,
- diahorea,
- headaches,
- sore throat,
- achy lower joints,
- chest pangs,
- strange outbreaks of high fevers,
- rashes on my body and I still get really tired.
So sisters, continue to take it one day at a time.
Reflection after Herceptin...
One adult child, three teens and a husband of 20 years remind me all the time that I am mother and wife regardless of my health and in many ways it is a blessing in disguise otherwise it would only be about me, wouldn't that be boring and naturally can't be entirely healthy!